Your way to successful innovation and technology management!
Individual and practice-oriented innovation and technology management with WAVE! brings success and makes your company riding the innovation wave. WAVE! is a reference proceture that ignites your innovations and fits in with your corporate culture!
Added value & time horizon
Added value: Development of practical and suitable innovation and technology management
Time horizon: short, medium and long term
With creativity on the innovation wave!
To proactively address the complex technological, societal, economic and environmental challenges, it will soon become apparent that the topic of “innovation” is very broad and confusing. You can do a lot but what fits in with your company culture? You may invest a lot of time, without any success or even turns into a nightmare of innovation.
Actually, one would only need an efficient and effective approach to integrate innovation and creativity processes fit into the company, then innovations in companies would provide more joy again andwould a driver for economic success. Exactly this is the subject and content of an innovation and technology management. Unfortunately, a suitable innovation and technology management can not be transferred from one company to another. Innovation patterns and cycles vary from industry to industry and, moreover, it must fit with the corporate culture in order for innovations to become successful products and services.
WAVE! is a reference procedure with which one can establish an individual and passable innovation and technology management in the company. With WAVE! you can elegantly surf the innovation wave in your company – just like a wave rider in the sea. Of course you will ask yourself: what does surfing have in common with innovation and technology management? The following analogy will clarify this and show how with WAVE! Strategic innovation and technology management can be implemented. WAVE! It is suitable for large and small companies and can be implemented company-wide or departmentally. It involves four reference steps that are also necessary for surfing to successfully ride the wave:
Watch Analysis Verify Evolve = WAVE
- Keeping an eye out! Where is the next wave? Where will she break about? Where will the other surfers be? Where do I get into a good starting position? Where can you quickly set yourself apart from the other wave hungry?
- Companies are also trying to search the “horizon” for new developments that may be relevant in the future. What does the business environment look like? What are disruptive innovations that change our core business? What new innovative technologies offer opportunities for existing processes or to open up new segments / markets? How do you keep the overall view? Which methods are appropriate for our company? First of all, you have to know your own information needs and know where to obtain this information requirement with as little effort as possible. The competition will do the same, and those who can best combine the weak signs of the future with their abilities will have the best chances in the market in the future.
- A wave is recognizable. Now it is analyzed what to do: Is the wave too high? Too low? Or exactly right? Where will she break exactly? What are the others doing? Have the competitors already noticed the wave? Can you start a diversion maneuver or sneak away? You definitely have to put yourself in the right position in front of the others! Only one can surf the wave!
- If a company has determined its information needs and identified relevant sources, the analysis step now follows as well. How good were my sources and methods? What are the opportunities and dangers in our business environment? Are all internal potentials exhausted? Are the processes of innovation management from idea generation to implementation suitable for corporate culture and everyday life? After all, the company wants to be in the right position to achieve its goals and be successful in the market ahead of its competitors.
- The wave is here – everyone sees it! Now it will be shown and tested how well you have done your job and if your own strategy works. A few meters to the left and then paddle the wave. You have to be fast when is lifting your board. Only then does she accelerate the surfer and take him along.
- The company will now also show whether it has positioned itself in the right position and whether the previous results can be implemented. It will check whether what has been worked out fits together and which overall procedure is feasible and sustainable. On the basis of a demonstration project, it will become clear whether the methods, sources and the overall concept are successfully interlinked or whether there are still improvements. Change is the only constant but you may create your own futre!
- Take off – let’s go! The wave accelerates the board and constantly changes its speed and steepness. The surfer is highly concentrated and always has the next step in view. It’s going very fast. Then the ride is over. It was unique! The surfer is exhausted but very happy! Stop? No way! He still gets a wave – the success was too good!
- The company is also working hard on implementation. If the strategy goes up, succsess will show up soon. That motivates tremendously. This is known from successful projects or successful workshops. It creates a working flow. It’s fun when things get together and you get good results. Also in the practical implementation of the idea generation up to the marketable products and services one will constantly improve. Once you are on the wave of innovation, it will be easy and you will quickly develop in all its facets. The accumulated experience in innovation and technology management will be collected in a structured manner and integrated into the innovation strategy.