Innovation and Technology Management: Improve competitiveness, secure jobs, increase quality of life and conserve natural resources.
Ensure competitiveness
Creativity and innovation should safeguard our competitiveness and jobs, improve the quality of life and protect our natural resources. This is obvious, seems very easy to realize and generates a desire for innovation. Unfortunately, it is often very different in everyday business life. The day’s events are burning on the nails. Increasingly rapid developments and changed market environments call for adjustments or “being better” in order to be able to survive economically in the future.
Nightmare innovation
To proactively address the complex technological, societal, economic and environmental challenges, it will soon become apparent that the topic of “innovation” is very broad and confusing. You can do a lot but what fits in with the respective company? All too soon, you invest a lot of time, without any visible success, and what began hopefully as a realignment ends quickly in the nightmare of innovation.
Actually, one would only need an efficient and effective approach to integrate innovation and creativity processes fit into the company, then innovations in companies would provide more joy again and be motivating fuel for economic success.
Successful innovation and technology management
Exactly this is the subject and content of an innovation and technology management. Unfortunately, a suitable innovation and technology management can not be transferred from one company to another. Innovation patterns and cycles vary from industry to industry and, moreover, it must fit with the corporate culture in order for innovations to become successful products and services.
Tools 4 Innovation
Luckily there is WAVE! and other tools with which you can successfully manage innovation and technology. Depending on company size, structure, culture and industry, the implementation variants in innovation and technology management range from “small & fine” to “global & effective”.
Our services for you
Innovation and technology management is not an end in itself but has to fit in with the respective company. In a quick check-up we take measurements and advise you on the cutting and implementation of innovation and technology management. We are also happy to carry out effective training and design individual workshops that lead to quick success.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
With best regards, Ralph Seitz